Wednesday, September 14, 2022

September: The month of wine making in Kefalonia!

September in most of the rest of Europe marks the end of Summer... But not in Kefalonia where Summer continues way into Autumn!

September is also the month of wine making in Kefalonia!

Kefalonia is famous around the world for its excellent wines.

Traditionally, wine making begins with the gathering of the grapes (which is called Trigos in Greek.) Then in some places even today celebrations follow where the grapes are placed in stone structures and people step in a dance mode on the grapes until their juice is extracted. The whole ritual is accompanied with partying joke telling, drinks and food!

The juice is then placed in barrels where it ferments until late October when it is first tasted!

While the whole of Kefalonia makes and sells around the world many excellent wines it best known for its local variety Robola wine which has the color of Champagne!

Finally, there is a well known Wine Cooperative that sells excellent Kefalonian wines and so do wine makers around the area (Omala) of the Monastery of Saint Gerasimos!

Spiros Kagadis

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