Saturday, March 11, 2023

The extraordinary rich in activities island of Kefalonia!

The Summer tourism season of Kefalonia, which essentially starts in April and ends in October every year, is fortunately coming very soon!

While most people relate holidays in Kefalonia with fun on the beach, swimming and with water sports (including skiing and snorkelling,) eating delicious foods and drinking in our many different restaurants, taverns, bars and coffee shops there are many other alternative fun activities to do while visiting Kefalonia!

One can go paragliding in Myrtos, driving all the around Kefalonia (visiting among other places historical Monasteries, majestic caves, museums and remote beaches,) rent a speed boat, go on fishing trips or even go on a daily cruise to other beautiful places and beaches on Kefalonia and the neighbouring islands of Ithaca and Zakinthos!

Also, one can play sports of all kinds on Kefalonia including football,  tennis, volleyball, hiking on special organised routes or alone, mountain climbing, scuba diving, horse riding and even go cycling around our island!

Then, there are always the traditional village festivals (panigiria) which virtually take place on Kefalonia all around the year! As are wine tasting organisations and festivals!

Last September, those who were lucky to have visited areas of Lixouri, Sami and Argostoli among other places could have had the unique opportunity to witness the filming of the romantic comedy and adventure film "Discovering Love" which is expected to be released for international viewing very soon!

Finally, if there is a beloved activity which you would enjoy or want to do and I haven't mentioned it above, please search for it on Google and you will most likely find it on Kefalonia!

Spiros Kagadis

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